How A Know It All Kid Leads to Financial Peace
Keep you on track and enable you to reach your financial destination on time
A recent holiday road trip reminded me of the need and value of consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®). Through a Christmas break trip driving from Chicago…
Triple Tax Advantaged Health Savings Account's (HSA's) Are Amazing!
Love my HSA for super tax preferred savings!
Why I Love my Roth 401k
Read why Roth 401k may be better for you than the Traditional 401k.
What to do About Stock Market Decline
The recent stock market decline is normal, long overdue and not a reason to worry long-term. In fact, I see it as a major Christmas sale. Those that are brave enough to buy at these sale prices will be especially glad they did a decade from…
How You Can Save $10,000+ on College Tuition Costs!
It's true, you can save a fortune if you use one simple strategy. As a Certified Financial Planner, I've been actively trying to figure out how to cut college tuition costs. As a dad with have three kids in college in 2019 it's especially…
How I Raised My Kids to be Financially Successful at Their Expense
Did you raise your kids to be prudent spenders and good savers of money? After a slow start, I turned it around and can see the changes in my kids. It's not too late for you to do the same for your kids.
It's much easier…
Stocks Getting Hammered! Did Diversified Portfolio Work for You?
Did you know that many stocks are currently in a BEAR market? This means they are down more than 20% from their high point. If your portfolio is littered with these previous high flyers (Apple, Google, Netflix, Facebook or Amazon) you…
Amazing Tax Saving Opportunity for Entrepreneurs!
The dream retirement plan (Solo 401k) for self-employed people! I set up my financial planning practice in Glen Ellyn back in 1996. One of my first concerns was how I would save for retirement as an entrepreneur. At the time, the best plan…
What's the Key to Relieve Anxiety Over Stock and Bond Price Drops?
Wild swings on Wall Street may be causing anxiety for many investors.
FEAR is REAL, especially when you have little idea how portfolio drops will impact your financial plan.
Investors Without a CFP® on their team are Anxious Over Stock…
Why Your Home Value May Have Plummeted
Thank goodness your home value doesn't show up on a stock ticker daily over your front door.
Your home is a great asset, maybe more important are the memories you make in and around it. My advice: buy what and where you like for the enjoyment…
3 Retirement Obstacles
Getting older just kind of happens. The next thing you know you've hit 50 and can't believe you are that old. Many of my clients are fiftyish and have their focus squarely on getting their childthrough the college years and/or retirement.…
Why a Zero Credit Card Balance Can Be Misleading
Yes, you read that correctly, zero credit card balances can be very misleading.
I'm not saying that carrying a credit card balance is a good thing. What I am saying is the convenience of whipping out plastic to pay for things is a MAJOR impediment…
The Myth of Compound Interest
Many people have heard the phrase "compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world"! Wrong, for most people with little money saved up (most people have less than $10,000 saved for retirement), compound interest is basically worthless. You…
How Objective Is Your Financial Advisor?
Chances are if you have a financial helping hand that person calls them self financial advisor, financial planner, wealth manager or broker. There is also a good chance that at the office, they are known as "producers". I mean they have…