
The Importance of Investing and Planning for Retirement in Your 20s and 30s
Written By Jake Rosley: As someone in my mid-20s, I've realized that setting money aside for the future can be incredibly challenging. In today's world, it's common for young professionals to start their careers already in the "red"—burdened…

How My Kid’s Awesome Budget Worked Like a Parent’s Dream!
As a CFP® and a mother of three teenager’s and one young adult, I am often asked how I taught my kids to be “money-wise.” It is mostly assumed, because of my credentials, that I have done it right and my kids have never made a foolish…

Why a Zero Credit Card Balance Can Be Misleading
Yes, you read that correctly, zero credit card balances can be very misleading.
I'm not saying that carrying a credit card balance is a good thing. What I am saying is the convenience of whipping out plastic to pay for things is a MAJOR impediment…

How to Avoid Marital Money Problems
"Marry a man/woman more frugal then you," is great advice from one of my favorite books, The Millionaire Next Door
Some guys will tell you, it's a lot easier said then done.
For those guys that have married a frugal woman, money is usually…

How Budgeting Strengthens My Marriage!
I have been preaching this to anyone that would listen:
Budgeting and managing your monthly marital cash flow is not only the key to financial success, but also one of the keys to a happy marriage.
Over the past fifteen years, I've helped develop…

Mini Van Beats Jet for Family Time
Last week our family embarked on yet another vacation. We packed our luggage (mainly beach wear) and five bodies into our 2004 Toyota Sienna (195,000 miles and counting) for a long drive. This year's last minute idea was to go to Naples…