
Why a Zero Credit Card Balance Can Be Misleading
Yes, you read that correctly, zero credit card balances can be very misleading.
I'm not saying that carrying a credit card balance is a good thing. What I am saying is the convenience of whipping out plastic to pay for things is a MAJOR impediment…

Do You Really Understand Your Income Tax Bracket?
You Pay Too Much Income Tax Not to Understand How it Works.
Most people do not understand how our progressive income system works.
It's time for you to learn if you are one of the many.
What's the difference between your marginal…

Habits of the Wealthy! 20 Things The Rich Do Every Day.
Habits of the Wealthy! It turns out that habits of wealthy people tend to create positive, pro-active habits that lead to their success. I have often spoke with clients about living their life in a proactive way rather than reactive. Believe…

Fiscal Cliff Financial Planning – Helping You Keep Your Cash from Being Taxed
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing tax saving strategies for you and your family and friends to fight back and keep more of your hard-earned money.
As I write this, there is uncertainty about what will happen with the schedule tax increases…