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Better Alternative to Long-Term Care Insurance

This is the vehicle I use to project my money from potential long-term care costs. If you have accumulated financial wealth, any retirement plan worth a grain of salt addresses the potential cost of long-term medical care.  You or your…
Retirement Planning
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How to Spend All Your Money in Retirement and Still Leave a Legacy

Want to spend your retirement nest egg with no fear of outliving it. Read on.
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Long Term Care - How to Plan & Pay For it?

. Have you ever wondered if you will be financially wiped out if you have a debilitating stroke or get dementia (Alzheimer's) in your old age? Maybe you know of someone that went through this kind of illness.  The personal and financial devastation…
life Insurance

Insure Your Most Valuable Asset - Part Two

We know now that the future income of a working adult is usually their most valuable asset. The one thing that their entire financial plan needs to have in order for the financial plan to work. As a planner, I have to recommend that we design…
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How to Spend Your Retirement Nest Egg and Leave it to Heirs

Have Your Cake and Eat it Too With your financial legacy it's possible, but it takes planning. Life insurance is truly the asset of love. I say that because of the dual purposes it serves. Temporary or term insurance is true insurance, you…
cut taxes
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Tax Saving! 8 Places to Invest, to Minimize Owing Taxes

Why I Dislike Taxes and How I Minimize What I Owe  I want less government in my life and I will do everything I legally can to give Uncle Sam as little of my hard earned money as possible.  If you want more government intervention in your…
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Tax-Advantaged Investment Opportunities

It's not what you make, but what you keep that counts! Consider the strategies I have been using for years to minimize my taxable income. I'm overwhelmed by all the tax I pay (income, real estate, sales, etc.) so I try not add to my tax burden…
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No Will Needed - Beneficiary Updates are Critical

Most of your assets will never pass on through your will (assuming you have one).  IRA's, 401k's, life insurance and annuities all have direct beneficiaries that were recorded when you first signed up for them.  For many of those assets, that…
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Our Story

My wife, Soni, and I celebrated 23 years of marriage recently and I thought I would share what some of the key financial decisions we made along the way and the impact they had on our family. The themes are consistent: Figure out what is…

Declined for Life Insurance

One phone call with a woman on the other end saying I was “declined” for coverage really had my head spinning.  A little over a month ago I applied for more life insurance, (the kind with the rider that allows you to get an advance on your…
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$1 Million in Life Insurance Not Enough

Last week, I was shaken when I heard about the tragic death of a Glen Ellyn acquaintance that lost a two-year battle to cancer. The death of this fine man, husband and father hit home not only because he had lived a few blocks away, but he was…