
Is a Private Pension in Your Future?
With CD's paying next to nothing, we need some creative ideas to generate more income during retirement... Creating your own pension may be an attractive option for you. Most of us have a notion on what a “pension” is, as you or someone…

Why You'll Never Spend All of Your Money in Retirement
Creating a private pension could be just what you need to maximize retirement income. Everywhere we look we are told to save now for our retirement years. Nothing wrong with that advice, but you should know that you're unlikely to enjoy a…

How to Spend Your Retirement Nest Egg and Leave it to Heirs
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
With your financial legacy it's possible, but it takes planning.
Life insurance is truly the asset of love. I say that because of the dual purposes it serves. Temporary or term insurance is true insurance, you…

Does 4% Retirement Rule Make Sense For You Today?
The most important and anxious questions I answer for my clients are: "How much money will I have at retirement and will that be enough to live on?
Of course, there are many variables in that calculation, one of the biggest is choosing…

Nothing Natural About Retirement
The idea of “retiring” is relatively new in this country’s history. It was created by financial institutions about 70 years ago after social security was first set up to transition aging, unproductive workers out of hard labor jobs…