
Leading By Example
My wife, Soni, and I pulled the trigger and bought a second home in Naples this past December. Just last week I was invited to play golf with a client that flew down from O'Hare and his threesome in Naples. We had a great time. He wondered…

Retirement Planning Post-Covid Shutdowns
How does your retirement plan look now?
While many people have been financially shaken up by the government shutdown reaction to the Covid-19 virus, we all have to look forward to our future. These 5 Habits Literally Add Years to Your Life,…

How to Maximize Social Security
What you should know about about Social Security.

Empty Nester Observations - First Impression
Observations from a new empty nester.

Massive Tax-Deductible $200k Retirement Plan Contribution for Self-Employed
Massive tax deductible strategy for high income self employed!

Massive Tax Break for "Doing Good" - CRT
Huge Income Tax Savings and Retirement Income Strategy Awaits You!
After a ten-year Bull Stock Market run you may own stocks or stock mutual funds that have huge taxable gains waiting for you if you were to sell.
Q. Why would you want to sell…

Is a Private Pension in Your Future?
With CD's paying next to nothing, we need some creative ideas to generate more income during retirement... Creating your own pension may be an attractive option for you. Most of us have a notion on what a “pension” is, as you or someone…

How to Spend All Your Money in Retirement and Still Leave a Legacy
Want to spend your retirement nest egg with no fear of outliving it. Read on.

When a 401k is NOT the Place to Save
For many people, 401k plan contributions are not where all their savings should be going, at least not right now. You say "Why in the world would you say that?" Making 401k contributions first equates to building the kitchen in your…

Brad Rosley's Timeless Wisdom - Beyond Money Book
Beyond Money is a compilation of Brad Rosley's best advice from the past 30 years in practice as a Certified Financial Planner. An engaging fictional story is complimented by timeless financial ideas that make an otherwise dry subject much…

Long Term Care - How to Plan & Pay For it?
Have you ever wondered if you will be financially wiped out if you have a debilitating stroke or get dementia (Alzheimer's) in your old age? Maybe you know of someone that went through this kind of illness. The personal and financial devastation…

Tax-Advantaged Investment Opportunities
It's not what you make, but what you keep that counts! Consider the strategies I have been using for years to minimize my taxable income. I'm overwhelmed by all the tax I pay (income, real estate, sales, etc.) so I try not add to my tax burden…

No Will Needed - Beneficiary Updates are Critical
Most of your assets will never pass on through your will (assuming you have one). IRA's, 401k's, life insurance and annuities all have direct beneficiaries that were recorded when you first signed up for them. For many of those assets, that…

Nothing Natural About Retirement
The idea of “retiring” is relatively new in this country’s history. It was created by financial institutions about 70 years ago after social security was first set up to transition aging, unproductive workers out of hard labor jobs…