
Is Your Retirement Plan Aligned With Your Life Expectancy?
Great news: people are living longer and healthier lives than ever before! Bad news: this means we need more money to allow for those additional years. It would be much easier to plan if we all knew the age at which…

Mortgage Payment Hurts Retiree Options
What a difference having a mortgage payment makes regarding your retirement plan affordability!
Did you refinance your home loan for thirty years to take advantage of historically low mortgage rates? If so, you may be locked into a mortgage…

Perks of Getting Older
Last weekend, I had the pleasure of going to the wedding for one of my childhood best friend's daughter. This was my first wedding for a peer's child and I guess it is just another milestone to indicate I am getting older. Does getting…

Live Like You Were Dying
Lately, there have been a convergence of reminders for me that life on earth is brief and that I should quit going through the motions of life and live it to the fullest while I am still able. Recently, I watched a terrific ESPN short movie…