
3 Retirement Obstacles
Getting older just kind of happens. The next thing you know you've hit 50 and can't believe you are that old. Many of my clients are fiftyish and have their focus squarely on getting their childthrough the college years and/or retirement.…

Why a Zero Credit Card Balance Can Be Misleading
Yes, you read that correctly, zero credit card balances can be very misleading.
I'm not saying that carrying a credit card balance is a good thing. What I am saying is the convenience of whipping out plastic to pay for things is a MAJOR impediment…

Roth Conversion Super Attractive Now For Many People
Roth conversion's are worth a close look now, especially after new tax law. Whether you are retired or not, this may be a great time to convert Traditional IRA (including those 401k rollovers) to Roth IRA's. Why now? The New Tax Law. These…

Why You'll Never Spend All of Your Money in Retirement
Creating a private pension could be just what you need to maximize retirement income. Everywhere we look we are told to save now for our retirement years. Nothing wrong with that advice, but you should know that you're unlikely to enjoy a…

How to Afford to Retire at 55
How can you afford to retire in your mid-50's?
If you are not in love with the drudgery of your job, then read on. It's not easy, but surprisingly "getting out" could be more affordable than you think.
There are few key elements to make…

How Your Next Home Purchase Can Make or Break You
Everyone knows that a home is a major purchase, but most people don’t take the big picture view when they take the plunge.
Did EGO get in the way (subconsciously) when you made a home purchase? We know that we are judged by our house and that…

How to Spend Your Retirement Nest Egg and Leave it to Heirs
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
With your financial legacy it's possible, but it takes planning.
Life insurance is truly the asset of love. I say that because of the dual purposes it serves. Temporary or term insurance is true insurance, you…

Mortgage Payment is a Retirement Killer
Will your retirement be put off because you still have mortgage payments to make? For millions of Baby Boomers, they cannot afford to stop working until their mortgage is paid off or they decide to downsize. I spend many of my days…

When Will You Be Able To Retire?
When will You have Enough Money To Retire?
Brief History Lesson:
The term “retirement” came to be recognized when the Social Security Act of 1935 allowed people to quit work and collect a tax funded paycheck when/if they reached the age…

How to Use Life Insurance to Save You From Devastating Health Care Costs
New Use for Life Insurance Read this post carefully if you or your parent has assets they want to pass on to their kids. Most senior citizens consider buying long-term-care insurance because they know that the cost of significant care is exorbitant. …

How Chasing Possessions is Dangerous to Your Wealth
The Big Lie is that creating a higher standard of living (over spending) leads to a higher quality of life. Having more money or nicer things allows you to pay for nicer things and borrow more money, but doesn't mean you will have a better…

One Powerful Financial Move for Kids (or Grand-kids)
Turn $500/Year into $500,000!
I recently created Roth IRA’s for my kids and put $500 into each account. With a little guidance from me, the kids will each choose to become stock owners of one company. Going forward I will encourage them…

Fictitious Balance on Your 401k/IRA Account Statement
Your account balance carries a hidden surrender charge.
Millions of working Americans contribute a percentage of their earnings to a 401k account while many also have IRA accounts, most of which were formerly 401k that were rolled over to…

Does 4% Retirement Rule Make Sense For You Today?
The most important and anxious questions I answer for my clients are: "How much money will I have at retirement and will that be enough to live on?
Of course, there are many variables in that calculation, one of the biggest is choosing…